How to Treat Boils Naturally


on Monday, November 25, 2013 | 14:55

How to Treat Boils Naturally, Boils are usually caused by bacteria and the growth was unexpected. Through the following article I try to share tips on how to cure boils naturally. Hopefully by knowing this information could be a benefit to us all.

Places most frequently were covered with boils usually face. The cause of boils is a bacterium and is usually supported by the habit of consuming foods containing excessive protein, dirty blood, the pores are closed and so on.

If you are exposed to boils will usually feel pain and difficulty doing activities. Even if the appearance of boils on the face might did not only pain, but also a sense of of shame and less confident that we get. It's good that you immediately treat ulcers. For that please read some of the following ways to treat boils.

How to Treat Boils Naturally

Using Leaf Spinach
To treat ulcers, we can use spinach leaves. Spinach leaves is believed to cure boils.

1. Pluck the strings skillfully 1-2 leaves of fresh spinach.
2. Wash until clean with running water.
3. Mashed or pulverized spinach leaf, can use the palm of the hand until creamed.
4. Add a little salt.
5. Paste In the affected body part boils, but not to cover the eye boils.
6. Spinach leaves and salt will provide a cooling effect on the taste boils hot and throbbing.
7. Do this several times a day until your boils heal.

Using Leaves Chilli
To treat ulcers, we can use the leaves of chili, this is because the chili leaves is believed to cure boils.

1. Pluck the strings skillfully handful of leaves Chilli
2. Wash until clean with water flowing.
3. Mash until smooth chili leaves.
4. Then mixing them with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, mix well until mixed.
5. Next apply on affected parts of your body boils, but not to cover the eye boils.
6. Let stand until the herbs dry.
7. Do this several times a day until your boils broke by itself.

Using Garlic
Besides being able to treat toothache, we can also use garlic to treat ulcers.

Betel leaves
Besides being able to repel mosquitoes, betel leaves are also very useful for treating boils, but only for boils that began to break.

1. Pluck the strings skillfully some betel leaves.
2. Wash thoroughly.
3. Boil until boiling.
4. Cool boiled water to be warm, wipe it all boils kemudikan already beginning to break.
5. Antibiotics, are contained in the betel leaf will eradicate the bacteria in the pus from the boils.

That's a few ways to treat ulcers. Hopefully the article Tips on How to Treat Boils Naturally the above can be useful for you all.

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